Sunday, October 14, 2012

Seuntai Kata

#Tris Yuniar#

Friend, sometimes that someone will complain his destiny. Why could it be that way, until he say that god is unjust to him .
The world is so beautiful ", was not his moment again to complain, though trials will continue to run. But, please be assured someday the sun will illuminate attractive to sucess to you. Dont say “cannot” , “ it”s impossible” , It's just become a barrier for us to do good and turn better. To day do it with the best!...
“Kematian itu telah terjadwal, waktu yang di lalui seperti lilin yang menyala. Makin lama ,makin habis, mumpung belum habis ,yuk semangat memberi terang dan memberi manfaat sebanyak-banyak nyadi kehidupan ini...”
*Touch To Heart Community*

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